Michael Rundell
Michael Rundell is a linguist and lexicographer. A dictionary editor since 1980, he has designed and managed numerous dictionary projects, and is a leader in the field of English pedagogical dictionaries. He is Editor-in-Chief of macmillandictionary.com, having started a dictionary development programme at Macmillan in the late 1990s. And he is Chief Lexicographic Officer of Lexical Computing Ltd, the company responsible for the Sketch Engine and the Lexicom training workshops.
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United Kingdom
Michael Rundell is a linguist and lexicographer. A dictionary editor since 1980, he has designed and managed numerous dictionary projects, and is a leader in the field of English pedagogical dictionaries. He is Editor-in-Chief of macmillandictionary.com, having started a dictionary development programme at Macmillan in the late 1990s. And he is Chief Lexicographic Officer of Lexical Computing Ltd, the company responsible for the Sketch Engine and the Lexicom training workshops.